Welcome to North Wheatley Church of England Primary School!

North Wheatley Church of England Primary

Believe | Achieve | Thrive

Worship Wonders

We are really excited to introduce the North Wheatley Worship Leaders. 


On Thursday 28th January, we took part in the 'Pupil Worship Leader Conference' which was ran by the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham. Our worship leaders are full of ways in which to further develop collective worship at North Wheatley, not only whilst joining together in bubbles abut also when we can eventually join together again as a whole school. This day will be one to remember. 


Worship Leaders have worked alongside our Open the Book Team to develop the story shared each fortnight in church back in a school-based worship. Pupils develop the theme or message and sing the songs shared in church. We are so proud of the level of responsibility these pupils have taken to help support our spiritual and religious journey at North Wheatley.
