Welcome to North Wheatley Church of England Primary School!

North Wheatley Church of England Primary

Believe | Achieve | Thrive

Our Vision and Values

Our distinct Christian ethos permeates through school life; Christian values underpin all we do and all we strive to achieve. Our school curriculum embeds a Christian Concept curriculum, developing learning and knowledge acquisition through our school's christian values of  Hope, Courage, Community, Respect, Wisdom and Faith.  The school’s vision is for everyone to ‘Believe, Achieve, Thrive’

The journey though North Wheatley C of E Primary will give every member of the school community the courage and faith to: ‘Believe, Achieve and Thrive’ to encourage them to ‘be the best me that they can be’ so that they ‘Shine as lights in the World’ - Philippians 2:15. Christian Values are the heartbeat of our school.



Believe in yourself, your faith and others


Achieve your goals, your dreams and your future


Thrive through a love of yourself, your faith, your values, your love of learning
