Welcome to North Wheatley Church of England Primary School!

North Wheatley Church of England Primary

Believe | Achieve | Thrive

My Personal Development & Cultural Passport

My Personal Development and Cultural Passport

Upon joining us, every child receives their very own Cultural Passport, which is designed to accompany them throughout their time at North Wheatley. Our pledge is to provide a diverse range of extracurricular activities that will not only enhance their learning but also contribute to their personal and cultural development.

We have identified ten key activities that we encourage every child to complete during their time with us. These experiences include a mix of educational, cultural, and community-based activities, specifically curated to foster a rounded experience. The activities are as follows:

  1. Attend a performance in a theatre
  2. Visit a Place of Worship
  3. Travel on public transport
  4. Experience live music
  5. Participate in community volunteering
  6. Watch a live sporting event
  7. Visit a city
  8. Visit a museum, art gallery or exhibit
  9. Stay away overnight with my school
  10. Take part in a cultural celebration

These opportunities are not only fun but are also vital in helping children develop essential life skills, such as confidence and social awareness. We believe that by engaging in such activities, our pupils will cultivate a deeper understanding of the world around them and will grow into well-rounded individuals.



What our pupils say about our passports....


  • "It's good to know that we can do all these things while we are at North Wheatley."
  • "Not everyone will do all these things at home so nice that we can do them here."
  • "I like having one - I wish I could add more things to it! It's a good way of remembering the things we've done even if it was when we were little."
  • "The things in the passport are fun but they teach us something and it's a good experience.
  • "It's a good way to share our thoughts and opinions on what we have done and talk about it again with our friends."