Welcome to North Wheatley Church of England Primary School!

North Wheatley Church of England Primary

Believe | Achieve | Thrive

Our Governors

Our Governing Body...


We are delighted to have such proactive Governors at school.

The Governors come into school at least once a term to monitor provision and undertake responsibilities of link governor roles. This helps them to know if pupils are making good progress and to identify how the learning environment supports them.

They all undertake this vital role on a voluntary basis, giving up a considerable amount of their personal time to ensure that every child has the opportunity to achieve their very best. 


What do Governors do?

“Governors are very effective in supporting and challenging the work of the school through regular visits. They have an accurate view of the quality of teaching and its impact on learning because each governor is linked to a discrete year group.”



Governors are responsible for monitoring and evaluating the school’s performance. To do this they visit school regularly, attend meetings and review policies and other school documents. They also support the HeadTeacher by acting as a critical friend and have a role in recruiting new staff, complaint handling and the HeadTeacher’s Performance Appraisal. At North Wheatley C of E Primary, all Governors regularly undertake specific training to improve their knowledge and skills.


The Governing Body has responsibility for:

•content of the curriculum
•deciding the aims and the curriculum policy of the school
•the care, health & safety of the children
•ensuring good maintenance of the school building and grounds
•allocating the school budget


Governing Body Structure

The work of the governing body is wide-ranging. To ensure that governors are well informed and therefore able to work strategically, all governors attend three meetings a term. Each governor is linked to a subject, which allows them to monitor the impact of the curriculum and work as a critical friend for subject leaders. The document below shares the further roles and responsibilities of the governing body. 




*Where vacancies are present, the full governing body will take responsibility for fulfilling the role in the interim.


Who are the Governors?

North Wheatley’s Governing Body is made up of the HeadTeacher and volunteers drawn from parents, staff, Local Authority and the local community. Our Governors come from a wide range of backgrounds with a diverse range of skills and expertise. Each Governor serves for a term of four years.


Governor Membership Information

Governor Business Interests

Governor Attendance

Governing Body Diversity Data
